Avangrid works collaboratively with local agencies and the local fishing communities throughout New England. We are committed to continued communications through the permitting, construction, operation, and decommissioning of our projects.
No Upcoming Fisheries Events
Past Fisheries Events
Avangrid’s Mariner Updates provide important details of operational activities within the project lease area (0534) including the type of work, locations, estimated timeline, and vessel information.
There are no current Mariners Updates for New England Wind.
Past Mariners Updates
Sign up for Mariner Updates
Gear Loss/Fishing Time Loss Application
Fishing Vessel Overview Chart
Geophysical Surveys
Waterfront App
Avangrid has partnered with Ithaca Energy and their WATERFRONT application to provide real-time marine activities information within and around the wind energy areas. This includes direct communication with the Avangrid Fisheries team for any questions and/ or concerns regarding the project. Learn more here.
How an Offshore Wind Farm Works
1x1 Proposed Turbine Layout Chart
The Fisheries Representatives represent the interests of fishermen to the project, and help make sure the project is getting the information it should have about the fishing industry. Fisheries Reps represent the interests of fishermen, not the project. Fisheries Reps also help get out the word about project activities offshore, and help to make sure the project is aware of any immediate problems or concerns from fishermen. Some Fisheries Reps are compensated for their time by the project.
We are currently seeking additional fisheries representatives.
If you are interested, please contact Caela Howard, Fisheries Liaison at caela.howard@avangrid.com.
ASGA is the organizing voice for members of the recreational fishing community who find greater value in having access to abundant fish stocks rather than simply maximizing harvest. Members include for-hire captains and guides, fishing-related small businesses, and private anglers from Maine to Florida who fish for a broad range of state- and federally-managed species.
Tony Friedrich
Coastal Asset Management was formed by Gordon Videll, Gary Yerman, and Michael Theiler in Southeastern Connecticut. Together we have decades of experience as professional mariners and extensive knowledge of local waters that allow us to provide and distribute information in an effective and meaningful manner to the local fishing community.
Michael Theiler
The Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island is the home for the Ocean State's commercial fishing community. The center was founded to preserve commercial fishing as a profession, culture, and way of life through promoting the sustainability of the resource. Achieving true sustainability in our fisheries is a difficult and complicated feat. But CFCRI believes in cultivating an environment of open communication and encouraging the sharing of knowledge about our ocean and its resources. In the pursuit of sustainable seas, our approach is innovative, our lens is optimistic, and our goals are ambitious.
Our members believe in commercial fishing as a profession, a culture, and a way of life. We seek to preserve the sanctity of our community, the solvency of our small business and the sustainability of the fishery resource. The Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island is our headquarters to bring fishermen, scientists, managers, and elected officials together in a collaborative effort to improve our fisheries and our understanding of the marine environment so that the proud heritage of our industry continues nobly through future generations.
Fred Mattera
Joe Huckemeyer
The Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen’s Preservation Trust is a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established in 2011 to: (i) Preserve the historic fishing fleets, communities, and economies of Martha’s Vineyard; (ii) Protect the marine populations and fishing grounds off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard and New England; (iii) Educate the community about its local fisheries.
Shelly Edmundson
The Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association is a member-driven organization that accepts and supports the interdependence of species conservation and the members’ collective economic interests. The Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association was established in 1963 by the fishermen, for the fishermen, and is presently one of the leading commercial fishing industry associations in New England. On behalf of the 1,800 members, the MLA works to maintain both the industry and the resource. The MLA strives to be proactive on issues affecting the lobster industry and is active in the management process at both the state and federal levels. The MLA communicates with its members through a monthly newspaper, weekly email, Facebook, Twitter and attendance at meetings. For the past 54 years, the MLA has become a trustworthy voice for the industry on important issues, and is looked to by both the fishing industry and the management community.
Beth Casoni
The Montauk Fish Dock is a commercial fish unloading packing and freight forwarding facility located in Montauk NY. The Dock provides diesel fuel, ice, dockage and fresh water. Montauk Fish Dock has been servicing the fishing fleet since 1988. Customer gear types are inshore and offshore Draggers, inshore and offshore gillneters, offshore bottom and surface longliners, inshore and offshore Lobster, offshore sea scallop, inshore and offshore rod and reel. The fleet consists of approximately 40 fishing vessels of which 20 vessels fish all year.
Paul Farnham
The New Bedford Port Authority (NBPA) is the governing body for New Bedford’s harbor and city-owned waterfront properties. It is chaired by the Mayor of New Bedford with six other members. The role of the NBPA is to support the Port of New Bedford by continually upgrading port resources; preserving its spot as the #1 U.S. fishing port; and expanding the New Bedford economy. The NBPA oversees all the commercial and recreational vessel activity within New Bedford city limits, incorporating the city’s entire coastline and harbor.
John Regan
Mr. Kendall is the Executive Director of New Bedford Seafood Consulting. He is a former scallop fisherman with over 50 years of experience in the fishing industry and with fisheries issues. Mr. Kendall was a member of a research team for the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation that focused on discard mortality rates of Southern New England flatfish. Mr. Kendall served as a New England Fishery Management Council member for numerous terms. He has also served on the Massachusetts Fisheries Recovery Commission, the New England Commercial Fishing Law Enforcement Working Group, and is a founding member of the Massachusetts Fishermen’s Partnership. Mr. Kendall was featured in the book A Doryman’s Reflection: A Fisherman’s Life. Additionally, Mr. Kendall has been interviewed on WBSM radio and by the New Bedford Standard Times, the Gloucester Times, and the Boston Globe on fisheries issues.
Jim Kendall
Sid Holbrook was born and raised in the Connecticut shoreline town of Westbrook. As a young man he spent much of his time on the water while developing a close relationship with the local fishermen and lobstermen, including his first job picking lobster meat at a Westbrook fish market. In 1982 Sid was elected to the CT General Assembly representing the towns of Westbrook, Clinton, and Essex. In this role, Sid was appointed to the Environment Commission, served as a House Whip, served on the Long Island Bi State Commission, advocated for the fishing industry, and assisted the industry with regulatory issues. In 1995 Sid was appointed as the Commissioner of the CT Department of Environmental Protection assisting and advocating for Connecticut’s fishermen. While Commissioner, Sid was honored with membership to the Southern New England Fishermen and Lobstermen Association which he continues to be a member of to this day. Sid served as Commissioner until 1997 at which time he was appointed Chief of Staff to the Governor overseeing 19 state agencies. When Sid left government service in 2002 he was engaged by the Southern New England Fishermen and Lobstermen Association (SNEFLA) to act as their advisor on state and national fishing regulations. While serving in this capacity, Sid was worked with many members of the nation’s fishing community along the Atlantic coast and was appointed to a subcommittee of the New England Fishery Management Council. When the offshore wind industry approached Connecticut's fishermen on who the best representative of the industry would be, both fleet ports supported Sid to serve as a Fishing Representative. In his role, Sid attends many regional and national conferences and apprises the CT fishing fleets of activities related to offshore wind and connects with fishing liaisons assigned to Connecticut. Sid is also a member of the Commission on Environmental Standards which is advising the CT DEEP Commissioner on the procurement of energy from offshore wind developers.
Sid Holbrook
Captain R. Tyler Macallister has been a commercial and charter fisherman for 36 years, fishing for groundfish, striped bass and bluefin tuna in New England. Captain Macallister holds degrees in Marine and General Biology from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, where he focused on large pelagic species specifically bluefin tuna and other highly migratory species. He currently serves on several NOAA committees for both recreational and commercial fishing for highly migratory species and has contributed to the ongoing research by providing photos and videos taken from both boats and spotter planes. He also holds a Masters Degree in Business providing a unique perspective to the economics of both recreational fishing and the impacts of regulatory, fish population fluctuation and other variables that may affect fisheries.
Tyler Macallister
Avangrid is in regular contact with the relevant federal and state agencies on fisheries-related matters. We are a member of or active participant in the following technical working groups, advisory boards, councils, and commissions:
January 2025 Council Meeting
April 2024 Council Meeting
January 2024 Council Meeting
July 16-19, 2024 State of the Science on Offshore Wind Energy, Wildlife, and Fisheries
July 16-19, 2024 State of the Science on Offshore Wind Energy, Wildlife, and Fisheries
Avangrid firmly believes that offshore wind developers must support good fisheries studies and science as the offshore wind industry grows up alongside the region’s oldest offshore industry- fishing.
Acoustic Monitoring of Highly Migratory Fish Species in RI/MA Wind Energy Areas
The New England Aquarium and INSPIRE Environmental are conducting research on the movements of highly migratory fish species (sharks, tunas, and marlins) in the southern New England wind energy area. Part of this research requires acoustic receivers to be placed on the seafloor in the locations shown as colored circles in the chart below. Receivers have no surface buoys and are connected to a mooring system weighing approximately 75 pounds that extends 2 to 3 meters (6 to 9 feet) off the seafloor, as shown in the below photo. Receivers have been placed near obstructions to the greatest extent practicable to reduce the risk of interaction with mobile fishing gear, and will be deployed in these locations begining May 2nd 2024. Receivers will remain in place until December 2024.
Reciver location data can be found here.
Meet the Team
John Harker
Fisheries Affairs Manager
Caela Howard
Fisheries Liaison